Page #1 - Why in the world, would I put the last chapter of this course right here at the front? Easy. The final chapter of any book is usually the best, and I want us to start on the right foot. So, I’m putting my best foot – er – chapter forward.
Page #2 - How much can I really make? Are others really making it big? What makes this such a great business? Can I really do this? Others make this sound so easy, is it? You’re probably just real lucky and I’m not.
Page #3 - By the way, instead of typing out ‘hot dog vendor’ or ‘vending’ all the time, I will use an acronym. A secret acronym to prevent carpal tunnel for me, and carpal eyeball for you. The secret acronym is “HDV.” OK. Got it? Good.
Page #4 - The HDV business can be a lifesaver; it can be what brings you from the brink of financial disaster or from
11 financial ruin to success, giving you independence and propelling you to bigger and better things. Similar to being a food server, your income is cash.
In our business not so much in tips, but definitely cash.
Page #5 - Most food servers make much more than they report, and the same goes for HDVs. So, I am going to give you real numbers. HDVs incomes are relative. Relative to where they work, how often they work and their individual skills. Because I talk to vendors daily, and because I am a vendor, I can offer you an accurate average.
Page #6 - Full time vendors working lunch shifts are averaging $50,000 annually. Some are making less and some are making more. I know vendors making well over $100,000 a year from one cart. But, to make this easier, you know your ability, your drive, and your personality.
Page #7 - You know if you are happy with the spot making $200 a day, or if $600 is more like it, and so you continue looking for that perfect spot. Later, I will break down all the costs. But, for now, I am going to use the average cost and this includes all costs: the food, condiments, napkins, propane, ice, etc., etc., etc...
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